Create Your Free
Richmond Artist Profile
It is a good idea to be prepared before you hit the Create A Free Profile button. You will need your social media handles and your professional name, or the name of your business, if you have it. Also a one paragraph bio, the location of the place where you work, your social media and/or website links, and a few photos of your work. Choose 2-3 tags to help people find you by looking at the tags other artists have.
Step 1: Click On the + Sign
Sometimes it takes a minute for the Directory to upload. Click on the plus sign to create a new profile. Another window will appear.
Step 2: Click On the Sign Up Button
Create an account. Enter a username and password for your account, then click on the “Sign Up” button at the bottom. Click on the box if you want to receive “updates,” i.e. our monthly newsletter.
Step 3: Enter Your Profile Info
In addition to your name, you can enter your handle, professional name, or the name of your business, if you have it. Add a short bio, the location of the place where you work, your social media links, and a few photos of your work. Choose 2-3 tags to help people find you, and click on the “Apply Changes” button. Wait about 24 hrs for it to be published. All entries are reviewed to keep out bots.
Step 4: Edit A Published Entry
Once your entry appears in the directory, you can edit it by clicking on the “Edit” button. Your name will show up enclosed in a rectangle, and a second “Edit” button will appear next to your name. When you click on the second “Edit” button, the form you originally filled out will appear and you will be able to make changes. Don’t forget to click on the “Apply Changes” button at the bottom.